Join the Perimenopause Made Simple Masterclass!

Hosted by:

Tara Thorne, Functional Health Practitioner, FDN-P, Nutritionist & Women’s Health Educator.

How to reclaim your happiness & confidence in midlife & overcome fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, insomnia, and more without sacrificing your favourite foods or relying on medication & set yourself up for healthier decades to come.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 11th at

4pm PST / 7pm EST,

(which is 9am AEDT on September 12th

Can’t join live? Be sure to sign up anyway as there will be a replay, but try to make it live because you can win one of 5 free private perimenopause assessments with Tara!

You can find that lost libido, self-esteem and confidence,

without having to give up multiple foods, coffee,

or resort to medications.

In this training you’ll discover essential insights that will guide you from your current place of hormonal chaos, confusion, and overwhelm to getting ROOT CAUSE answers and a clear plan forward you can trust:

We'll Dive Into...

✔️ How to know if you’re in perimenopause.

Find out how to know if you’re in perimenopause yet (is there a test?!), when to expect it, and what to look out for.

✔️ What are the best at-home lab tests to do in mid-life?

Find out which tests are best to give you ROOT CAUSE answers for your symptoms. (Hint: it's not a hormone test!).

✔️ Why counting calories, excessive fasting and cardio are not working anymore and what to do instead.

Find out why your old “tricks” are no longer working to eliminate belly fat and peri weight gain, and what to do instead to maintain a healthy weight in midlife and beyond.

✔️ Why HRT is an important consideration at some point.

We’ll discuss why you may be scared of hormone replacement therapy but shouldn’t be, plus how to implement it safely and effectively as an important strategy for an easier and healthier ride through perimenopause and beyond. 

✔️ What to think about if your thyroid is struggling.

Find out what must be addressed in order to support a healthy functioning thyroid in midlife and beyond.

Our gift to you...

When you attend live and stay to the end of the training, I'll give you the secret password so that you can be entered to


with me where I’ll determine your stage of perimenopause and the next steps you need to take.

Hi, I’m your host, Tara.

Holistic Nutritionist, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and Certified Functional Nutrition Coach.

I’ve had my share of hormonal issues starting with severe acne when I was fourteen. To clear up my acne, I took a dangerous drug called Accutane and went on The Pill. Whilst these meds worked, they were Band-Aid “solutions” (with side effects!). And because I didn’t get to the root cause of my acne, it wasn’t long before I started to suffer with PMS in my 20s. I had water retention, mood swings, sore breasts, and migraines. I also suffered a bout of anxiety-induced insomnia, which a doctor gave me Xanax for - another Band-Aid! Then, in 2007 I suffered horrendous anxiety when I moved to Canada from Australia and - once more - a doctor gave me Clonazepam and Zoloft - more Band-Aids! By now, I knew these meds were not the solution so I began investigating why I had all these symptoms and what I could do about them from a root cause level. 

More hormonal struggles were yet to come including a bout of postpartum thyroiditis but finally - after years of struggling and then years of learning everything I possibly could about women’s hormones, functional testing, therapeutic supplements, nutrition, the nervous system and SO much more - now, with my kids being 12 and 9 and me being in the thick of my perimenopausal years, I can say that I feel better in my 40s than I did in my 20s! Learning what I’ve learned about functional healthcare was a game-changer for my health, my moods, and my relationships and I am now blessed with an incredible amount of knowledge that I bring to my clients so they don’t have to struggle like I did or try to figure it all out on their own.

Answers to your questions!

Is this a pre-recorded webinar?

Not at all. I will be presenting this training LIVE for you on Wednesday, September 11th at 4pm PST / 7pm EST, (which is 9am AEDT on September 12th).

Can I ask you questions during the training?

Absolutely! I welcome ALL your questions and I answer every, single one of them. I encourage you to add your questions to the Q&A box during the training and at the end I answer them all.

What if I can’t attend the training live on the day?

That’s no problem because we’ll be sending you a replay of the training - directly to your inbox! However, you’re encouraged to show up live on the day because my trainings are always best when attended live.

Additionally, when you show up live and stay until the end you’ll be told the secret code word so you can enter the draw to win one of five free PRIVATE perimenopause assessments with me where I'll determine your stage of perimenopause and the next steps you need to take in order to start feeling better.

“The Hormone Balance Solution has changed my life! Before the HBS I was exhausted, had chronic diarrhea and couldn't lose weight the 25lbs I had gained even though I was working out with a trainer multiple times a week and eating a very clean diet. I had gone to my doctor multiple times for blood tests and I kept hearing that I was fine but had slightly low iron levels and was told to take an iron supplement. Since joining the HBS, I finally have the answers that explain my symptoms and a CLEAR PLAN on how to improve my health moving forward.“

- Jayme

“Tara's program is designed to get to the root cause and treat the whole you, not just the parts that don't feel quite right. The testing included in Tara's program is critical!

For years I have chased symptoms and tried things based on those symptoms. While some of it helped, I still was left trying to figure out what was happening inside my body. Now I know! In Tara's program I discovered what exactly was happening and Tara developed a protocol to finally address the reason I was experiencing the symptoms.Take back your power ladies! Do the tests and the work. It is worth every penny to finally know what is going on and how to treat it. After a few months in the program, I can honestly say I have more energy than I have had in a long time. I see signs that my body is healing.I am finally standing in my power and moving forward. Thank you Tara for sharing your light and knowledge with women. Thank you for helping me to take back my power and my health!”

- April

“Working with Tara has been a fantastic experience. I joined the HBS because I had severe PMS and anxiety attacks around ovulation and my period. I also suffered from really loose stools and was extremely fatigued. All of my symptoms have improved significantly, my anxiety is gone, my digestion is great and I have more energy than I have had in a long time. Tara has put all the puzzle pieces together and helped me so much through this journey. It was not always easy, but if you stick with the course with her help you will see results! This is something I have not accomplished with any of my naturopathic doctors before. Thank you for all your guidance Tara, it has been a great journey.“

- Annika

“I can't recommend the HBS enough. I have seen several functional practitioners over the past few years and was consistently left feeling like I was a case that just couldn't be solved. After just a few weeks in the HBS and working with Tara, I'm already seeing improvements in my health that give me so much hope for healing! I had chronically low WBC, skin issues, hair issues, energy issues, sleep issues, and the list goes on. Each of these symptoms are improving so quickly and I am so grateful! Having the support of the HBS group as well as easy access to Tara and Michelle has been so helpful, and unlike any experience I've had with another health practitioner. Making this investment in my health has been so worth it, and I can't see myself straying far from the HBS group and working with Tara in the future!”

- Meghan B.

“Tara is fantastic at getting to the bottom of your issues. She provides a customized in depth protocol based on your test results and these tests are not the standard test your GP would give you. In fact, no naturopath has ever offered me these tests either. The HBS is very involved and takes time and commitment but I have found it helpful in resolving my symptoms and have learnt a lot from this experience. Tara is really knowledgeable and approachable – love working with her. I saw improved libido, improved energy and motivation, improved gas, decreased bloating, menstrual cycle stability, and crazy hair growth – a side effect I was not expecting! Thank you!”

- Holly

“After the birth of my second daughter I was having more and more trouble with energy. I was always tired and while I knew being a busy mom of 2 was a factor, I had suspected my thyroid was not doing its job. My whole family has a history of thyroid issues so I went to the first doctor and got my blood work done. He told me I was fine and it was just motherhood. Fast forward 4 years and 4 more doctors who all told me my blood work was fine and I was just a busy mom. After the last one I had enough. I had taken many of the toxic products out of my life and was eating better but I needed help. Enter Tara and the HBS. 10 weeks after I started I have lost 17 pounds, have more energy and am well on my way to recapturing a normal life. She gives you every tool you need, including incredibly detailed tests, customized protocols and explanations of why you are feeling the way you are, with science backing her up. The program has diet and stress guidelines and so much more and Tara is supportive and invested in you as a person. The HBS was easily one of the best decisions I have made. If you are on the fence, dive in!”

- Jennifer

“As a holistic health practitioner who just graduated, I wasn’t sure if working with Tara inside The Hormone Balance Solution would be worth it, I was afraid I would already know a lot and therefore waste my money. Indeed I was familiar with a lot of the content (basically the weekly briefs), however, I also learned so much, it was totally worth it! I learned about 3 functional tests (HTMA, DUTCH test and GI Map), I got an introduction on how to interpret them, I learned about hidden copper toxicity, how to do a mercury detox, about high quality supplements and supplement brands I didn't know about… Your expertise helped “decode” my health and finally taking a step forward to improve it further than I was able to do on my own. Working with you made me eager to learn more about functional testing in order to integrate them into my practice as they are so valuable. I would highly recommend newly-qualified holistic health practitioners to work with you to fix themselves if they haven't already, to see how you practice which can be great insight, and to continue learning!”

- Marion

“I already feel tremendously better. Before, I felt desperate – out of control at the beginning. I have energy now to get through the day, which is unbelievable – a huge improvement! I feel like a new person, and I feel like I'm just scratching the surface. I can’t thank you enough.”

- Cristin G.

“I joined the HBS after following Tara on social media for a few months. Tara is a wealth of knowledge, and the HBS got me on track with improved eating and realising the importance of looking after myself and de-stressing my life.I started taking more time to do things I enjoyed, realising how important that is for my health. I also realised that for someone with my health concerns, high intensity exercise is not beneficial! While I mostly knew what foods to steer away from, it helped to have someone I was accountable to who was checking in on me regularly.The HBS community of ladies all give each other food ideas, and we supported each other through the process.Tara interpreted the test results and put me on a range of supplements to improve my health and hormone balance. I no longer feel like I need a nap everyday, I'm thinking clearer and I've also lost some weight!After the HBS program, I feel I now have the knowledge to continue this journey myself, and I'll continue to work with Tara in the future. Tara gave me answers to my questions, and solutions to improving my symptoms. Thank you for your support and expertise Tara!”

- Kylie

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