Doors to The HBS are currently closed. Please email Tara at if you’re interested in the program and she can give you more information.

Reclaim your confidence, self esteem, and mood.

If you’re ready to become the best mother, partner, and daughter you can be, if you’re ready to finally show up for yourself and put yourself first, if you’re sick of treading water like mad, just trying to “keep up” with life and you want to become educated about how to look after yourself on such a deep level it has a positive ripple effect in every aspect of your life, then you’re in the right place. 

Get ready to sleep better, feel more energized and get back to the woman you used to be!

So much of what you’ve been told about hormonal health has been wrong! 

You’ve been misled about what truly supports hormones and eliminates symptoms. 

There are reasons why what you’ve tried so far to balance your hormones and kick your symptoms hasn’t worked and none of it is your fault! 

Far too many people in the online wellness space are dishing out confusing and unhelpful information.

Have you heard you have to run a hormone test to balance your hormones?

Yeah, most of us have, right? And it only makes sense. Or does it? 

Hormone tests don’t give us the root cause answers you’re looking for. Or worse: they’re giving you misleading information that’s leading you down the entirely wrong path! This is especially true if you’re in midlife (your perimenopausal years).  Root causes are things like gut health (even if you don’t have gut symptoms), nutrient deficiencies (everyone has them), and lifestyle factors like stress, movement, sleep, and more. 

Running a gut test and a nutrient test is a winning combination that gives you the “why” (the root causes) so you can fix the “what” (your imbalanced hormones). 

You’ve also probably heard that trendy diets, food sensitivity tests, tracking every single calorie and macro, doing juice fasts, suffering through coffee enemas, doing parasite cleanses under the full moon, and stressing about seed cycling are the ways to balance your hormones - but they’re not! 

It’s the wild wild west out there in the online health space, and it can be very confusing and overwhelming. But I promise, balancing your hormones doesn’t have to feel like this.

There is an easier way.

A proven method that helps you to take back your health and happiness.

There ARE reasons why you feel the way you do. And there are reasons why previous practitioners - even doctors - haven’t been able to help you. 

And this isn’t something you should just be able to “figure out on your own” so please, give yourself a break! Navigating your health issues on your own is a complex and lonely journey. 

Health is multifaceted, especially when it comes to intricate matters like hormones. Without a deep understanding of physiology and working in clinical practice, figuring out your hormonal health by yourself is impossible.

You can regain hope that there are answers, that your health struggles are not insurmountable, and trust you're on the right path with an effective plan to feel better once and for all and kick midlife symptoms to the curb!

You may think you've tried everything or perhaps you or your family members believe yet another practitioner won't be able to help you, but this is dead and thinking!

You are not broken!

"Anxiety comes up, but I now know what to do.

I haven't had a panic attack in so long..."

-April K

Your symptoms are NOT just a part of getting older!

Symptoms during perimenpause are NOT a rite of passage!

The Birth Control Pill or an IUD are NOT the answers to hormonal shifts in midlife!

Antidepressants are NOT the “cure” for your anxiety or low mood in your late 30s and in your 40s!

There are natural, safe, and effective solutions for how you’re feeling.  


The Hormone

Balance Solution

The Hormone Balance Solution is different to other programs because we look at it all - and all together. We leave no stone unturned in our quest to get you answers and results.

This means looking at all of the following:  

  • Diet

  • Blood sugar balance

  • Detoxification pathways 

  • Cellular health 

  • Blood work 

  • Stool testing 

  • Nutrient testing 

  • Hormone replacement  

  • Stress and nervous system 

  • Sleep hygiene and optimization  

  • Therapeutic custom supplements 

  • Inflammation 

  • Mitochondrial health 

  • Circadian rhythms 

  • Movement 

  • Bile flow and liver health 

  • Digestion 

  • Mindset 

The Perimenopause Success Formula

The reason you haven’t seen results yet is because you haven’t followed The HBS framework, which we call The Perimenopause Success Formula. Or, perhaps you’ve followed some but not all the steps in The Perimenopause Success Formula. With this formula we follow inside The HBS, we lay a sturdy foundation from which we build optimal health to help you eliminate symptoms and have a pain-free perimenopause plus healthy decades to come.


First, we'll optimise your diet because diet is the very foundation of good health. We'll discuss current eating habits, identify areas for improvement, and we may recommend a specific short-term customised diet if required. We give you all the information you need to follow the dietary guidelines we suggest. Once we receive your stool test results, we’ll have a clearer idea of which foods to include or avoid as we work on improving overall gut health.

What about macros?

I'm not a fan of counting macros (boring and time-consuming!) but I’ve done it and it can provide beneficial insights. For instance, many women tend to overeat fat and under-eat protein. We recommend at least tracking your protein and if you want to track more, we're here to support you and provide advice. If weight loss is your goal, be prepared to track your macros, as we can't assist with weight loss without knowing your macro and calorie intake.


After establishing dietary foundations, we'll assess if BHRT is suitable for you. BHRT is an important consideration in midlife and beyond. We'll educate you on its benefits and guide you through obtaining and dosing treatments. You'll also get access to Tara’s HRT Made Simple™️ course, which answers all your questions and will help you advocate for yourself when talking with your prescriber. We are BHRT experts and will guide you every step of the way.


Next, we'll help you implement stress management strategies to help you better handle stress and reduce feelings of overwhelm. We provide recommendations about the amount and type of strategies you should engage in. We'll use resources from The HBS portal to assist in reducing your stress and supporting your nervous system. This approach will not only improve your mental well-being but also enhance your physical health, allowing your body to heal more effectively by promoting a state of rest and digestion instead of fight or flight. And, if needed, we'll help improve your sleep, ensuring you get the rest necessary for supporting health.


Movement is a critical piece of supporting health and as we move into midlife and beyond, it becomes even more important. We will teach you which types of movements are best for midlife women and which are not. We will also give you tools (videos and resources) to make it easier for you to get moving.


Building on diet, nervous system support, and great sleep, we'll implement daily detox strategies. We'll recommend ways to support your detox pathways and regulate blood sugar. If needed, we'll suggest using a continuous glucose monitor and help you interpret the data.


While building on the foundations we’ll utilise the best at-home labs, including gold-standard stool tests and the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test. These tests are the perfect combination that provide crucial insights into the root causes of your symptoms and optimise health long-term. Gut health is essential for preventing brain fog, fatigue, mood disturbances, inflammation, hair loss, body aches, skin problems, weight gain, hormone imbalances, and various GI symptoms. And without optimal nutrient status, our cellular functions and genetic pathways are compromised, jeopardising overall health. By addressing gut health and nutrient status, we significantly improve how you feel today and set the stage for a healthier future. We frequently run SIBO tests, mold tests, and other testing if required for our ladies.


Blood work is a simple and cost-effective way to assess your body's current health status and we conduct a comprehensive review of your results. If you don't have recent blood work, we will guide you to several recommended locations where you can get the necessary tests done privately. Rest assured, we will provide clear instructions and support every step of the way. We provide all the information you need and then use our expertise in blood work interpretation to analyse your results. We use functional optimal ranges, which differ from standard doctor's ranges based on an unhealthy population, and we identify nuances in your blood work that even many functional health doctors might miss.

This truly is your one-stop-shop for all things midlife hormones and women’s health. 

Also, in The HBS you get not just one but two practitioners working across your case. It’s not every day you get two practitioners mulling over your labs and your symptoms to generate some of the best protocols in the business.  

We also don’t sell you on things you don’t need like juice fasts or gimmick supplements. We have your best interests at heart and will never suggest something for you that we don’t truly believe will serve you. 

We care about your health and success as much as you do! 

When it comes to the support we give our ladies, it’s second to none. We don’t just do a couple of consultations with you and then leave you to figure things out on your own. We’re with you step-by-step, side-by-side, in constant contact and communication with you for six full months.  

Why should you listen to me anyway? 

Hi, I’m Tara.

Holistic Nutritionist, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and Certified Functional Nutrition Coach.

I’ve had my share of hormonal issues: severe acne when I was a teenager, PMS, a bout of insomnia, and horrendous anxiety. But the “solutions” I was offered by doctors were Band-Aid medications (with side effects!). And, because I never got to the root cause of these symptoms, more hormonal struggles came later on in my 30s, including postpartum anxiety and thyroiditis.

Finally, after years of struggling and then years of learning everything I possibly could about women’s hormones and functional medicine now, being in the thick of my perimenopausal years, I can say I feel better in my 40s than I did in my 20s! Learning what I’ve learned was a game-changer for my health, my moods, and my relationships, and I’m now blessed with an incredible amount of knowledge that I bring to my clients so they don’t have to struggle like I did or try to figure things out on their own.

Hello, I'm Michelle Robinson.

Functional Medical Practitioner

Michelle is a Functional Medicine Practitioner certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and Breath work and a Mindset coach. Michelle was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) in her mid-30s, which sent her into early menopause at 36.

Michelle has over 12 years of experience supporting clients to get to the underlying causes of their symptoms and health issues, and supports women with physical, mental and emotional imbalances so they can combat hormonal burnout, reduce debilitating symptoms, rebuild resilience, and regain their energy. Michelle brings incredible knowledge to The HBS group and we're so lucky to have her as part of the team!

How do you know this will work for you?

What I learned from my own hormonal struggles didn’t just help me, but it helped hundreds of other ladies too. And none of us are any more special than you.

They are working moms, career women, single moms, stay at home moms.They have autoimmune diseases, thyroid diagnosis, and sleep challenges.

But their words speak for themselves…  

I can't recommend the HBS enough. I have seen several functional practitioners over the past few years and was consistently left feeling like I was a case that just couldn't be solved. After just a few weeks in the HBS and working with Tara, I'm already seeing improvements in my health that give me so much hope for healing! I had chronically low WBC, skin issues, hair issues, energy issues, sleep issues, and the list goes on. Each of these symptoms are improving so quickly and I am so grateful! Having the support of the HBS group as well as easy access to Tara and Michelle has been so helpful, and unlike any experience I've had with another health practitioner. Making this investment in my health has been so worth it, and I can't see myself straying far from the HBS group and working with Tara in the future!

Meghan B.

Working with Tara has been a fantastic experience. I joined the HBS because I had severe PMS and anxiety attacks around ovulation and my period. I also suffered from really loose stools and was extremely fatigued. All of my symptoms have improved significantly, my anxiety is gone, my digestion is great and I have more energy than I have had in a long time. Tara has put all the puzzle pieces together and helped me so much through this journey. It was not always easy, but if you stick with the course with her help you will see results! This is something I have not accomplished with any of my naturopathic doctors before. Thank you for all your guidance Tara, it has been a great journey.


The Hormone Balance Solution has changed my life! Before the HBS I was exhausted, had chronic diarrhea and couldn't lose weight the 25lbs I had gained even though I was working out with a trainer multiple times a week and eating a very clean diet. I had gone to my doctor multiple times for blood tests and I kept hearing that I was fine but had slightly low iron levels and was told to take an iron supplement. Since joining the HBS, I finally have the answers that explain my symptoms and a CLEAR PLAN on how to improve my health moving forward.“


Tara is fantastic at getting to the bottom of your issues. She provides a customized in depth protocol based on your test results and these tests are not the standard test your GP would give you. In fact, no naturopath has ever offered me these tests either. The HBS is very involved and takes time and commitment but I have found it helpful in resolving my symptoms and have learnt a lot from this experience. Tara is really knowledgeable and approachable – love working with her. I saw improved libido, improved energy and motivation, improved gas, decreased bloating, menstrual cycle stability, and crazy hair growth – a side effect I was not expecting! Thank you!”


After the birth of my second daughter I was having more and more trouble with energy. I was always tired and while I knew being a busy mom of 2 was a factor, I had suspected my thyroid was not doing its job. My whole family has a history of thyroid issues so I went to the first doctor and got my blood work done. He told me I was fine and it was just motherhood. Fast forward 4 years and 4 more doctors who all told me my blood work was fine and I was just a busy mom. After the last one I had enough. I had taken many of the toxic products out of my life and was eating better but I needed help. Enter Tara and the HBS. 10 weeks after I started I have lost 17 pounds, have more energy and am well on my way to recapturing a normal life. She gives you every tool you need, including incredibly detailed tests, customized protocols and explanations of why you are feeling the way you are, with science backing her up. The program has diet and stress guidelines and so much more and Tara is supportive and invested in you as a person. The HBS was easily one of the best decisions I have made. If you are on the fence, dive in!


I joined the HBS after following Tara on social media for a few months. Tara is a wealth of knowledge, and the HBS got me on track with improved eating and realising the importance of looking after myself and de-stressing my life. I started taking more time to do things I enjoyed, realising how important that is for my health. I also realised that for someone with my health concerns, high intensity exercise is not beneficial! While I mostly knew what foods to steer away from, it helped to have someone I was accountable to who was checking in on me regularly. The HBS community of ladies all give each other food ideas, and we supported each other through the process.Tara interpreted the test results and put me on a range of supplements to improve my health and hormone balance. I no longer feel like I need a nap everyday, I'm thinking clearer and I've also lost some weight!After the HBS program, I feel I now have the knowledge to continue this journey myself, and I'll continue to work with Tara in the future. Tara gave me answers to my questions, and solutions to improving my symptoms. Thank you for your support and expertise Tara!


I joined the Hormone Balance Solution after getting to a dead end with my doctor on how to fix the symptoms I was having.

It’s been the best experience over the last 10 weeks. The thorough testing that Tara does helped to pinpoint exactly what was going on with me and she created detailed protocols based on each test along with my symptoms.

Being in constant communication through the Facebook group and coaching calls kept me motivated to stick to the protocols.

Tara answered any questions that came up and provided an abundance of information, recipes and tools to assist in the HBS journey. Her knowledge in functional health is so impressive and made me feel like I was in great hands!

I’ve already noticed major improvements in my health and am excited to continue this path.

Erika A

After making some changes over a month, my migraines come much less frequently, and when they do they are less severe.

My PMS symptoms are less now, and my anxiety is much better. I am sleeping better and my fatigue is improved. This may not seem like much, but to me this is everything- I feel like I am slowly getting my life back.

I cannot wait to see how I feel after I continue these things for more than just a month, and start the rest of my supplements. I am also excited to retest and see how I have fixed things, and see what else needs to be worked on. I love not only having a community of women experiencing similar things that I can speak to, but Tara on my side, caring and cheering me on along the way. My only regret is not joining this program sooner. I should add that I am a Nurse Practitioner trained in western medicine practices only, and I am now “sold” on functional medicine.


Working with you has been one of the most rewarding and insightful experiences of my life! The HBS is so beautifully put together, with so much incredible information about WHY and HOW our hormones become imbalanced in the first place, PLUS so many valuable resources that I turn to literally every day (the meal plans, educational nuggets about functional foods, the masterclass sessions with the experts, the meditation and breathwork videos, etc). Uncovering my adrenal fatigue was both surprising and sobering. I had no idea how out of balance I was, because I was still feeling really good (great energy, great sleep), but your guidance has helped me understand how deep the waters of STRESS actually do run, and how absolutely beyond words imperative it is to manage it (especially for those of us who don't necessarily “feel” the effects of chronic stress!). I would have never put this piece together without you, Tara. I would not be meditating daily. I would not have traded in my HIIT workouts and Bikram yoga for walks, gentle restorative yoga and stretching. I would not have uncovered my gut dysbiosis. Without you I would not have even KNOWN that I had an H. Pylori infection to eradicate. I would not have known about my stressed liver, or my significant levels of mercury, or my estrogen dominance, or my severe intolerance to gluten. Since starting the HBS, I have had 2 confirmed ovulatory cycles after having not had one since May 2020!! My bowels are the happiest and healthiest they have ever been, going like clockwork and moving multiple times a day. I know I have only scratched the surface of my healing, and every day I know I get a little bit closer to my ultimate goal — healed adrenals and a balanced body that will carry a sweet little baby some day. Thank you, Tara, for your unbelievable knowledge, your spirit, your commitment to your clients and YOURSELF and for being the kind of leader you are. You are literally healing the world.Thank you, from the bottom of my heart!


“I can’t thank Tara and her team enough for the help and support over the last 6 months. I had symptoms for at least 4+ years of perimenopausal complaints that I felt no one in the medical field would listen and support. My bloodwork was “normal”, so no one knew what to do with me. I thought I was going crazy! Brain fog, weight gain, lack of sleep, fatigue and muscle/joint pain which limited my ability to work out for years, and only worsened.‌The HBS came up with my research. What I like about the HBS is the testing to get information and then using this info to treat my specific issues. There is so much useful education, not only for the duration of the program, but for continuing thereafter. They care and want to hear from you often to make sure the path you are on is appropriate! Yes there are supplements that are added costs to the program. This was a concern of mine. I am not accustomed to paying for my health care, but since the health care my insurance paid for hadn’t worked, I decided I WAS WORTH IT.‌The access to FB weekly coaching sessions is beneficial and come prepared with specific things you want to address. I used the weekly check in online as that was sufficient for me and my learning/communication style.‌Be prepared to commit! If you are coming into this thinking the work is done for you, you aren’t getting it. We all have our stresses, our concerns, our issues which prevent us from taking control of our own health. Doing just a portion of the work will not get you the results you desire. This whole program is about educating you to help yourself LONG TERM. Remember, getting to this point of where you are took time, and “undoing” it takes even more time.‌My healing journey has been a 1 year in total from when I started making lifestyle changes. The HBS pushed my last 6 months forward much quicker than my first 6 months on my own. I am back to more consistent workouts, less symptoms overall and on a much better path than I had been for 4 years! The HBS guided me in the direction I needed.”

Sue Torrence

Aloha just checking in for the week to give some updates on how I'm doing. After lots of math trying to figure out when my luteal phase starts, I decided to try the continuous method Tara mentioned on the coaching call on Monday. So I started with 1/2 a pump of the progesterone cream at night. Started using it on Tuesday night and I'm happy to report that despite some BIG stressors (dog vomiting/pooping blood and a surprise visit at work by a federal compliance agent), I've had REALLY good nights of sleep this week & have been able to manage my stress levels a lot better than 3 or even 6 months ago. But really just wanted to say thank you so much for all the support you've provided inside the HBS. I was talking with one of my besties this morning, who's completely overwhelmed with all the health issues she's having and not knowing what research and doctors to trust. It just makes me all the more thankful that I found the HBS and have not only been educated, but thankful you & your team look at me as an actually person, taking the time to look at the whole picture of my body and not just a narrow snap shot. I know I still have a ways to go (still having issues with gas & bloating, now joint aches, along with crazy new growth of gray hair), but I'm further along 6 months in that journey than I thought I would be. And so, just wanted to say thank you & how grateful I am for the HBS caring about me as a person and genuinely wanting to help women like me.


Tara's program is designed to get to the root cause and treat the whole you, not just the parts that don't feel quite right. The testing included in Tara's program is critical! For years I have chased symptoms and tried things based on those symptoms. While some of it helped, I still was left trying to figure out what was happening inside my body. Now I know! In Tara's program I discovered what exactly was happening and Tara developed a protocol to finally address the reason I was experiencing the symptoms.Take back your power ladies! Do the tests and the work. It is worth every penny to finally know what is going on and how to treat it. After a few months in the program, I can honestly say I have more energy than I have had in a long time. I see signs that my body is healing.I am finally standing in my power and moving forward. Thank you Tara for sharing your light and knowledge with women. Thank you for helping me to take back my power and my health!


Tara is incredibly knowledgeable, down to earth and attentive to her clients needs. She has created a wonderful program with the right tests to get to the root of the problem.

After spending years and thousands of dollars going in circles with Naturopathic doctors, Tara cut through it all and gave me answers.

I finally feel like I’m moving forward in my health journey, and it’s greatly in part of Tara’s Hormone Balance Solution.

Kelly M

I have been struggling for years to find a practitioner who will listen to my concerns and stop at nothing to find answers. As a perimenopausal woman’s struggling to navigate my way through the menopausal weeds Tara has been a golden light of hope.

Her knowledge and expertise is unparalleled. Her determination to get to the bottom of my, fatigue and ongoing gut issues is so impressive. If you’re looking for someone who listens and genuinely cares then Tara is without a doubt the person for you.


I am feeling FABULOUS! I honestly feel the best I have in a very long time. I have noticed the biggest difference in my mood, my energy and overall well-being. I am seriously so amazed at how much better I feel in a short amount of time! Your program has truly been such a blessing to my life. Just really loving the whole program so much!


Since The HBS I feel like a completely different person. In our last consultation I forgot my initial reasons for joining! I forgot I used to get migraines, clotting, and pelvic pain. I even forgot that my stress levels were high!  I am a huge believer in the HTMA and stool tests. It is unbelievable to see on paper things move in the right direction along with symptoms improving along the way.

Carly M 

I'm pleased to share that we are expecting a baby in September! While this is early stage and this group is the first to know on this planet aside from my husband (sshhhh) I wanted to thank Tara and Michelle for all the help and guidance I've benefited from while being here. I'm armed with tools that I know will help me through my most energetic and healthy pregnancy yet! Not only diet and lifestyle but also what to look for in a practitioner should I decide to find one to help me through this next phase of life. Again, thank you! It has been a pleasure to work with you and I will be forever grateful.


I am also just going over my blood work review and I just want to cry with relief and frustration. Relief that I found you both, Tara Thorne and Michelle Robinson because there are some pretty serious findings and I know that you will help me right these wrongs.

Frustration because all of these labs were handed to me with a smile telling me everything is normal! This program will save my life and I'm so deeply grateful.


My anxiety is almost gone. I can speak in public again. My fatigue is substantially better. My patience with my children and husband is unbelievably better. My hair is barely coming in gray anymore and I have all new hair growth. I can swallow pills again without gagging. No more panic attacks. I feel like my thyroid has improved. My perimenopause symptoms have improved. My husband tells people how I am back to my old self. I feel like I am better than my old self. You all have been a blessing. Thank you!!


I have a quick update for you! I'm doing really well this is by far the best I have felt in years. Energy is up a lot, I can  feel my brain fog is lifting, my mood is so much better (this is big for me). I am also having a daily BM – sometimes more than one! My most recent cycle was the easiest I have had in years. It was shorter, less painful and I didn't fall into the dark depression. Less breast tenderness and very little swelling (normally I swell a lot). I had a very stressful week last week and handled better than I normally would. I'm very excited about the positive changes.


I already feel tremendously better. Before, I felt desperate – out of control at the beginning. I have energy now to get through the day, which is unbelievable – a huge improvement! I feel like a new person, and I feel like I'm just scratching the surface. I can’t thank you enough.

Cristin G.

I wanted to share a few wins! My skin is becoming clearer and clearer, even after getting off of Dim after being on it for 2.5 years. The white spots that I've had on my nails forever have also disappeared since starting my protocols! I know these things are indicative of healing and just wanted to share


Hello ladies, I wanted to update you all on my incredible experience w Tara and this program. Some background info, I have had chronic gas and bloating for the past 5 or so years. I saw 3 naturopathic drs and spent a crazy amount of money trying to figure out what was causing it. Nothing ever worked and I was beyond frustrated. Well, since working w Tara I have NO gas! I am so relieved! Also, I had H pylori for several years and did 3 different protocols to try and get rid w no success. I am happy to report my latest Gl map retest w Tara reports it GONE as well. Tara has been such a precious source of info and support for me. I finally feel like I have found someone who really can help me figure out my thyroid issues as well as adrenal stuff. The road is long but I am so grateful for Tara and her team. Hang in there ladies. We are in the absolute best hands here! Good luck to you all!

I started working with you exactly a year ago and I was in pretty bad shape. I got my new stool test results last week and there were SO MANY improvements. I was pretty blown away. It made all the investments over the past year feel sooo worth it and gave me a new perspective of what's possible when you take care of yourself and stay open minded to learning new things. I'm getting ready to start a new protocol tomorrow and I'm actually really excited! Movement in the right direction is so motivating to keep continuing on. I don't want to know where I would be today if I didn't take that leap last year. & for all the ladies here, I'm rooting for you!! Our bodies are so capable of healing. So again, thank you for your time, effort & continued education to help all of us, you're both so appreciated!

I just wanted to share some super positive news! My DHEA numbers since 2014 have been over 300, at best 290 and this could never get sorted to bring my number down. I have been in this program 10 weeks and I just got my blood work back and it is 187 and NORMAL IN RANGE for the first time ever! I am in shock yet so happy! I definitely still have work to do but for the first time in a tremendously long time, I feel like I am really on the right path, so THANK YOU!!!

I have been tracking my food and I was definitely not hitting 100 grams of protein everyday, but now it is a fun game and I get there regularly. To be honest I did not track on Sunday because sometimes I just need a day off, but I know more now from tracking that I can say I was pretty close! I am waiting for my Selenium retest from the lab and will let you know as soon as I do. I will be ready in about 5 weeks to retest my stool and hopefully not long after that my HTMA! I can't thank you both enough for this program! LIFE CHANGING!

I feel the need to share... simply doing a GIMAP and working with Tara quite literally could have saved my life. After some occult blood came back on my test, Tara told me I needed to get that checked out by my doctor, so I went for a colonoscopy last month. They found some internal hemorrhoids, which was likely the cause of the blood, but they also found a polyp. It's the type that can turn into cancer, so I need to go back every 5 years for a colonoscopy. I wasn't due to have a colonoscopy until 17 years from now... imagine how that polyp could have grown and how many more could have popped up in 17 years! My grandfather lost his battle with rectal cancer in his 60s so it makes me so grateful that I did that GIMAP arid was working with someone attentive and can now be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE (like most of healthcare is these days). If some days you feel like giving up and wonder if the time and effort and money is worth it, keep going! You never know how the work you're doing in this group is going to not only change your life but maybe even save it for the future!

I want to take a moment and thank Tara for starting this program for women like us. After YEARS of hormonal/ endocrine issues and being diagnosed with a pretty serious endocrine disease, your program has helped speed up my healing and helped me feel better. I love your focus on gut health and healing, the importance of nutritional factors, and the role self esteem and loving yourself all play.

Since I started my protocols and making nutritional changes- old clothes fit again, my energy is improving, and I've lost 17 lbs in five weeks! I can only imagine what I'll be like in the next few months. I know these are lifelong changes.

So, thank you. If I could teleport to the other side of the world, I'd give you the biggest hug!

OMG!!! I have super exciting news!!! I had a pelvic ultrasound done the other day to see where I'm at with my PCOS and I am SO PLEASED to report that my ovaries are 100% completely NORMAL!!! They look like perfect little ovaries with healthy follicles, normal in size and shape and no evidence of PCOS compared to my last ultrasound 3 years ago!! I am so so happy!! Physically I have been feeling so good, and this imaging was just the cherry on top :)

I’ve had huge improvements in sleep - even with lots of stress! And I cried on a bike ride yesterday because I hadn't felt that good on that bike ride hill in a long time. I felt strong, not exhausted on my way home! I’m so happy. This is huge compared to a year ago!”

HBS member, Casey shares the dramatic improvements she's achieved from her work inside of the program.

All these women were able to transform their lives thanks to The Hormone Balance Solution

The Hormone Balance Solution is a six-month comprehensive hormonal health program for women in midlife who want to get solid answers to their hormonal health issues once and for all so they can kick the weight gain, moodiness, gut problems, skin issues, period problems, fatigue, overwhelm, insomnia, hair/eyebrow loss, and other symptoms in order to get back to the woman they once were. 

The Hormone Balance Solution has helped hundreds of women go from feeling irritable, bloated, uncomfortable, and lacking in self-esteem, to living their life in a way they never thought possible.

They’re reconnecting with loved ones because they’re no longer in pain or suffering from symptoms. They feel in CONTROL because they’re no longer losing their cool with their kids or partner due to hormones that previously held them at ransom.

They finally have a plan they feel confident in, to get them fitting into the clothes that were previously collecting dust in the closet, and to get them back on their game, not forgetting commitments or double booking events.

No longer wrangling feelings of embarrassment or shame, HBS women become the best mother, partner, and daughter they can be because they’ve finally shown up for themselves and put themselves first. They’re no longer treading water like mad, just trying to “keep up” with life.

Find out how The Hormone Balance Solution helped Stephanie finally get answers after multiple doctor's couldn't help – and a diagnosis for her symptoms, and hence, a plan forward for her health.

Words from within The HBS Community

I'm not having headaches anymore when I was having them almost daily. This is a huge relief! It's awesome. And for the first time in almost 3 year years I'm not breaking out anymore!"

Stephanie S

I'm back to who I was before - I'm cleaning my house, I'm doing my laundry, I'm cooking dinner, I can go on walks for 2.5 hours and still come home and clean. Before I either had to clean the house or just go to the gym - I could't do both of them. I feel like a normal human being again. I feel normal again. It's night and day from how things were before"


I haven’t felt this happy in quite a while  - I have energy back again. The HBS has changed my life!

I haven’t used Flonase in about 2 weeks and I can still breathe, which is highly unusual!

My bowels are back to normal and I got my period today and I was surprised for the first time ever because this month I didn’t have horrible acne or a week-long emotional meltdown the week before my period and I didn’t spot!

It's been 24 days since I've had a migraine! I haven't had to take my migraine medication for 24 days! I think the last stretch was like 15 days. So thankful for the HBS helping me battle these debilitating migraines!

I was depressed. Now I have a much better mood and I’m very very happy. It’s been a life changer. I’m feeling excellent. Working with you has changed my life.

I’ve never felt better mentally or had a body image like this! And my periods are normal for once!

I had thrush around ovulation every single month but in the past 2 months this hasn't happened - haven't had an inkling of thrush art all, which is huge! And I'm due to get my period but normal I would spend a week sobbing, feeling quite depressed and now I have to check my app because I don't know when it's coming - it's amazing. I don't feel down, I don't feel negative, I don't feel sad, I don't feel irritable, which is amazing. My husband has seen a massive difference. To be where I am now is amazing - I feel a million times better.

Everything is still going very well. My energy levels have improved tremendously. I actually cut the grass, I weed- whacked the yard, and we cleared out an over-run flower box. If I were to cut the grass before The HBS I would have been down the next day for 4 or 5 days! I did laundry, I changed the bedsheets - typically I wouldn't have the energy to do these things.... I'm down a total of 30 lbs since the beginning of the HBS... Mood is so good - hasn't been this good in a long time. I feel like "e" is coming back. I feel like myself again.... I was taking Claritin or Flonase daily but I haven't had to take Claritin for about month - that's a miracle! I'm not taking any type of allergy med at all anymore

What’s included when you join us inside The Hormone Balance Solution?


26 weeks of live interactive group coaching calls

with Tara and Michelle so you can ask all your questions, clarify your protocols and test results, etc. You will never be left feeling alone, unsure, or confused when you’re in The HBS. 


4 x private one-on-one consultations

with Tara or Michelle to dive deeper into your individual case because everyone is unique. We spend this time getting to know you on a personal and deep level so we can develop a plan that gets you results. 


Stool test and HTMA mineral and heavy metals test

because your root causes always start in the gut and with nutrient imbalances/deficiencies.


In-depth review of your blood work.

We can see so much in blood and by looking at your blood work, beside your functional labs, we gain even more knowledge about you and your body and how to proceed for best results.


Customized supplement protocols.

We create unique, custom supplement plans based on the testing you do, your blood work, and the conversations we have with you about your symptoms and goals. 


Guidance on how to do Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy the right way.

In The HBS Michelle and I teach you how to confidently speak to your doctor about the benefits of hormone replacement therapy so you can set yourself up for symptom-free, unmedicated years to come without feeling confused, dismissed, or leaving the medical office minus your HRT script. We’ll guide you on how to do BHRT safely and effectively, how to find your optimal dose, which forms of each hormone is best to use, which order to start them, and
so much more.


Exclusive access to The HBS private Facebook community

where you get almost 24/7 access to Tara and Michelle as well as other like-minded women who are going through the same things you are. Having a group by your side keeps you encouraged and you’ll also learn things from the questions your peers ask and the feedback they get. You get both the benefits of not just feedback on YOUR case, but also hearing the feedback we give other ladies in the program, too. 


14 modules that outline everything you need to know to get and stay healthy, long-term.

This is the education portion of The HBS. It’s vital you understand the “why” so you have the impetus to implement the strategies we suggest for you. This education answers all your questions and gives you advice that sets you up for success well into your decades to come.


14 modules that outline everything you need to know to get and stay healthy, long-term.

This is the education portion of The HBS. It’s vital you understand the “why” so you have the impetus to implement the strategies we suggest for you. This education answers all your questions and gives you advice that sets you up for success well into your decades to come. Modules include the following and they are always being updated as the science changes and new information comes to light:

  • 26 weeks of live interactive group coaching calls with Tara and Michelle so you can ask all your questions, clarify your protocols and test results, etc. You will never be left feeling alone, unsure, or confused when you’re in The HBS. 

  • 4 x private one-on-one consultations with Tara or Michelle to dive deeper into your individual case because everyone is unique. We spend this time getting to know you on a personal and deep level so we can develop a plan that gets you results. 

  • GI MAP Stool test and HTMA mineral and heavy metals test because your root causes always start in the gut and with nutrient imbalances/deficiencies.  

  • Screen recordings of your test results explaining - in detail - what they mean and how they relate to you and your case, answering why you feel the way you do.

  • In-depth review of your blood work. We can see so much in blood and by looking at your blood work, beside your functional labs, we gain even more knowledge about you and your body and how to proceed for best results. 

  • Customized supplement protocols. We create unique, custom supplement plans based on the testing you do, your blood work, and the conversations we have with you about your symptoms and goals. 

  • Exclusive access to The HBS private Facebook community where you get almost 24/7 access to Tara and Michelle as well as other like-minded women who are going through the same things you are. Having a group by your side keeps you encouraged and you’ll also learn things from the questions your peers ask and the feedback they get. You get both the benefits of not just feedback on YOUR case, but also hearing the feedback we give other ladies in the program, too. 

  • 14 modules that outline everything you need to know to get and stay healthy, long-term. This is the education portion of The HBS. It’s vital you understand the “why” so you have the impetus to implement the strategies we suggest for you. This education answers all your questions and gives you advice that sets you up for success well into your decades to come. Modules include the following and they are always being updated as the science changes and new information comes to light:

  • Module 1: This module is all about what the best type of diet is for most humans for the rest of your life. We answer your questions about sweeteners, gluten, dairy, coffee, macros, alcohol, functional foods and so much more so you’re never left confused or paralyzed by information overwhelm about what you’re supposed to put in your mouth!


  • Module 2: This module focuses on stress reduction and nervous system regulation to reduce feelings of burnout, overwhelm, anxiety, sleep issues, and more. You'll never balance your hormones without balancing your nervous system!

  • Module 3: This module focuses on sleep and sleep hygiene. It’s not just the amount of sleep you get but also how deeply and well you sleep. This module covers everything you need to know about circadian rhythms, healthy sleep habits, supplements for sleep and more to get you catching all the Z’s.

  • Module 4: In this module we cover healthy movement because as we age we must maintain our movement - but not too much! Healthy movement and the right type of movement for middle-aged women is key.

  • Module 5: This module covers blood sugar balance. Once we balance our blood sugar we can see mood improve, PMS eliminate, sleep improve, fatigue vanish, and more. Balancing our blood sugar is foundational to balanced hormones, but there’s a few things to it. 

  • Module 6: In module six we cover everything you need to know about supporting your detox pathways on a daily basis. In this modern-day era this has become more important for hormonal health than ever before.

  • Module 7: In module 7 we dive into gut health. Your gut is the very foundation of happy hormones. You’ll never feel better until you optimize your gut (yes, even if you don’t have gut symptoms!).

  • Module 8: Module 8 is about thyroid health. Our 40s is a time when a lot of thyroid issues can rear their head, but we can do a lot to support our thyroid health and this module explains it all. 

  • Module 9: Like most hormones, estrogen works optimally when she’s not too high and not too low and when she’s getting metabolized out of the body properly. This module covers what you need to know to keep your estrogen at optimal levels.

  • Module 10: Midlife doesn’t have to be a crazy time! This module answers all your questions about perimenopause and menopause to help you sail through this vulnerable time of life with much more ease.

  • Module 11: Your mindset and the boundaries you may or may not have in place affect your health and hormones. Healing goes beyond just the physical, and this module brings your attention to some things that may be lurking under the surface.

  • Module 12: I know so many midlife women dive into fasting - but should you? Is fasting the right tactic for you during this stage of life? This module answers these questions and more.

  • Module 13: Blood work is an integral tool we have to utilize as we navigate midlife and beyond, and we teach you what ranges you want to be in (they’re different from your lab’s ranges!), how to spot trends, how to talk to your doctor to get bloods done, specialty labs for midlife, and which bloods to do yearly.

  • Module 14: Supplements are a vital part of health but at some point you won’t be on a custom supplement plan anymore. In this module we walk you through which supplements you can continue to take long-term and that are important for health forevermore.

You'll also have the advantage of unlimited protocol tweaks and shifts in your health plans for 6 months.

Learning Modules

Modules are always being updated as the science changes and new information comes to light.

Module 1: Diet & Nutrition

This module is all about what the best type of diet is for most humans for the rest of your life. We answer your questions about sweeteners, gluten, dairy, coffee, macros, alcohol, functional foods and so much more so you’re never left confused or paralyzed by information overwhelm about what you’re supposed to put in your mouth!

Module 2: Stress Reduction

This module focuses on stress reduction and nervous system regulation to reduce feelings of burnout, overwhelm, anxiety, sleep issues, and more. You'll never balance your hormones without balancing your nervous system! 

Module 3: Sleep Hygiene

In this module we cover healthy movement because as we age we must maintain our movement - but not too much! Healthy movement and the right type of movement for middle-aged women is key.

Module 4: Healthy Movement

In this module we cover healthy movement because as we age we must maintain our movement - but not too much! Healthy movement and the right type of movement for middle-aged women is key.

Module 5: Blood Sugar Balance

This module covers blood sugar balance. Once we balance our blood sugar we can see mood improve, PMS eliminate, sleep improve, fatigue vanish, and more. Balancing our blood sugar is foundational to balanced hormones, but there’s a few things to it.

Module 6: Detox Pathways

In module six we cover everything you need to know about supporting your detox pathways on a daily basis. In this modern-day era this has become more important for hormonal health than ever before.

Module 7: Gut Health

In module 7 we dive into gut health. Your gut is the very foundation of happy hormones. You’ll never feel better until you optimise your gut (yes, even if you don’t have gut symptoms!).

Module 8: Thyroid Health

Module 8 is about thyroid health. Our 40s is a time when a lot of thyroid issues can rear their head, but we can do a lot to support our thyroid health and this module explains it all.

Module 9: Estrogen Levels

This module covers what you need to know to keep your estrogen at optimal levels. Like most hormones, estrogen works optimally when she’s not too high and not too low and when she’s getting metabolised out of the body properly.

Module 10: Perimenopause & Menopause

Midlife doesn’t have to be a crazy time! This module answers all your questions about perimenopause and menopause to help you sail through this vulnerable time of life with much more ease. 

Module 11: Mindset

Your mindset and the boundaries you may or may not have in place affect your health and hormones. Healing goes beyond just the physical, and this module brings your attention to some things that may be lurking under the surface.

Module 12: Fasting

I know so many midlife women dive into fasting - but should you? Is fasting the right tactic for you during this stage of life? This module answers these questions and more.

Module 13: Blood Work

Blood work is an integral tool we have to utilise as we navigate midlife and beyond, and we teach you what ranges you want to be in (they’re different from your lab’s ranges!), how to spot trends, how to talk to your doctor to get bloods done, specialty labs for midlife, and which bloods to do yearly.

Module 14: Maintenance Supplements

Supplements are a vital part of health but at some point you won’t be on a custom supplement plan anymore. In this module we walk you through which supplements you can continue to take long-term and that are important for health forevermore.

The HBS is your one-stop women's hormone health shop

We include the following to give you every tool you need in order to regain and keep your health for decades to come.

All video coaching calls are recorded and time-stamped

So you can listen to them at a time that suits you best if you’re unable to attend them live. We do weekly calls at times that allow women from North America, the UK, and Australia to attend live so you’ll likely find a time that suits you. Learn from the other ladies who are going through the same things you are and get feedback via their questions that also supports the work you’re doing in the program. 

Food journal reviews are available to you

If you’d like to get our help digging even deeper into your daily diet and nutrition - even into macros, if that’s what you want - in order to turbo-charge your results. 

Access to our exclusive HBS blood work table

Including a list of all the blood markers we suggest you get done yearly plus their functional optimal ranges (which differs to your doctor’s ranges!) and a write up about what the markers mean when they’re high and when they’re low. This is an incredible amount of our IP which is yours to keep forever so you can monitor your own trends in your blood over time to become your own best health advocate!  

A list of private blood work labs + how to talk to your doctor to get specific bloods done

These resources have been curated for you to help make it easier for you to do what’s necessary to support your health now and for decades to come. 

A custom multi-nutrient blend created especially for you

Forget the supermarket supplements or general multis! They have things in them that your body doesn’t need and in poor forms and low quantities. All our HBS ladies are offered our customized multi blend based on their testing and their symptoms that have therapeutic forms and dosages of nutrients that their body needs -

and nothing they don’t.

Blood sugar data reviews

If you want to monitor your blood sugar we’ll review your data so we can pivot and optimize your protocols and diet strategies if need be. 

Modules are available as downloadable PDFs as well as as audio lessons

So you can learn in a way that suits you best.

Tara’s relevant podcast episodes have been curated in the portal

Under relevant modules so you can further enhance your education about what makes for optimal health in midlife and beyond. 

Tasks are set for you to complete

To keep you on-track and accountable with your healthy living lifestyle. 

Weekly emails

To keep you on track, focused, accountable and motivated! 

Bonus HBS “Bibles”

Filled with everything you need to know about migraines/headaches, sleep, BHRT, oral health, and more - diving even deeper into specific topics that midlife women need to know about.  

More bonus guides to help you get and stay healthy

From a cravings crushers guide to digestion tips, healthy living tips to make your food more cancer-preventative, and more!

Discounts on various nervous system healing modalities

To kick your healing up a notch because healing is more than just physical.

A huge library of curated resources

Including guided meditations, meditation apps to choose from, meditative music, sound bathing meditations, recipes, meal plans, at-home workout videos, Tara’s vetted and highly recommended products from toothpastes and books to snack foods, aromatherapy, her favourite teas and protein powders as well as biohacking companies, and more! 

A downloadable app

So you can now take The HBS with you wherever you go!

So what’s included?

26 weeks of live interactive group coaching

4 private 1:1 consultations 

Access to Michelle and Tara via their private Facebook group 

Stool and HTMA tests + video reviews +

Custom supplement protocols 

In-depth review of blood work + blood work table

14 educational modules that are constantly being updated

Food journal and macro reviews 

Blood sugar tracking data reviews

Huge library of curated resources 

Bonus guides and HBS “bibles” 

So what’s all this worth?

The cost of HBS is $3,497

Ready to overhaul your life and make a huge positive shift for both your physical and mental health?

Email Tara at to find out more. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much work do I REALLY have to do?

Your success in the program is a two-way street. Michelle and I will guide you every step of the way and bring you encouragement and support, but you have to show up. Also understand that we teach a lifestyle that’s meant to fit in with your life forevermore. The HBS isn’t a “course” you have to finish in a certain amount of time. We don’t quiz you on anything, and everyone moves at their own pace. You don’t stop the strategies we teach you once the program is over. We teach you forever-strategies that fit into your lifestyle. It's also important to recognize that Michelle and I do not heal you. Ultimately, you are the one who heals yourself. We provide you with the best tools, tips, advice, and protocols available, but it's your responsibility to actively listen and put in the work.

How long will it take me to feel better?

The journey to feeling better varies from person to person. It largely depends on what you’re suffering with now, the root causes of your symptoms, and your dedication to change. So it’s almost impossible for me to answer this question.

Properly prioritizing your health requires a significant investment of time, which is why The HBS program is designed to span over six months. It's crucial to understand that healing times vary depending on individual circumstances and the level of effort you put in but I can say, if you show up and put in the effort you will see results. 

What happens once the 6 months is up?

If, after the 6 months, you still want us by your side, we offer a membership that you can join indefinitely - we won’t leave you high and dry! 

Can’t I just figure this out on my own?

While self-exploration is commendable, if your symptoms were easily solvable alone you would have done so already. The human body is an intricate system, and effective healing goes beyond simple solutions like supplements or dietary changes.

We are skilled practitioners who continually research and stay up to date to understand the nuanced needs of your body. Our expertise and ability to monitor progress are crucial in developing tailored approaches that drive results.

When does the program start?

Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive all the resources you need to get started. Additionally, you will gain immediate access to our private Facebook group and coaching calls, where Tara and Michelle will be available to provide support and answer any questions you may have.

Once I’m finished my time in The HBS is my health “done”? Will I be “healed”?

It's important to acknowledge that achieving optimal health takes time, considering the entire journey that has led you to your current state. As the saying goes; you don't walk 10 miles into the woods only to walk out in 5. Realistic expectations are key.

Should you choose to continue beyond the initial 6-month program, you have the option to join The HBS membership. This allows you to remain a part of The HBS on a month-to-month basis. It's important to remember that health is a forever journey without a typical “destination” per se.

Just like you service your car yearly, I believe it's beneficial for everyone to seek guidance from a functional health practitioner at least once a year for a “tune-up” that involves functional testing and customized supplement plans. But there’s no doubt you can feel so much better than you do today – and sustain this long-term – even after a few short weeks inside The HBS.

I'm vegan/vegetarian - is this program right for me?

I haven’t tailored this program specifically for vegetarians or vegans, and the meal plans do include animal products. In my experience, many women do well when they incorporate some animal protein in their diet, especially when it comes to hormone balancing. (Our bodies can only work with the building blocks we give it – and this is especially true of our hormones!).

Vegetarians & vegans – you are of course welcome to join. I fully respect your choices, however, please know I can’t further customise a vegan or vegetarian meal plan but you’re welcome to adapt the meal plans to your own preferences.

Can I get other tests done if need be, beyond the HTMA and Stool tests?

Yes! Often we run additional tests for women whom we think need them such as SIBO or mycotoxin (mold) tests. If necessary, we can offer all kinds of testing to you.

What if I want to re-test? How can I do that after my 6 months is up inside The HBS?

That’s where The HBS monthly membership comes into play! If you want to continue your healing journey past the 6 months in the program you can join the membership. This is when you pay month to month and are able to stick around and gain continued access to everything, including retest packages that aren’t available outside The HBS. 

Do I have to purchase supplements?

We do recommend supplements for you after you’ve completed your testing (that’s kinda the point of testing!). It’s hard to make shifts in your health by diet alone.

Cost of supplements depends on what health issues we have to work on and what your test results show. Please be prepared to make an investment in supplements.

We do give you discounts wherever we can, but also know this: we will give you the best case scenario of supplements we suggest you take but we can also prioritize them for you so you can pick and choose if budget is a concern. We will always do our best to limit the cost where we can.

Nutraceutical support however, is a crucial part of your healing. We lay out exactly what we suggest including dose, brand, and where to purchase from. You're free to purchase whatever you want, (all or none or just some) and from wherever you like.

Can I do The HBS if I don’t live in Australia?

Yes! The program is 100% online making it accessible to more women who need our help. However, it is limited to those who are in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, the UK and some parts of Europe (please reach out to ask if we can work with you if you live in Europe). Tara is located in Australia, Michelle is located in the UK, and Tara has team members in Canada! We are a worldwide company.

I’m worried about the group coaching aspect of the program - am I really going to see success in a group program? 

You’re right that group coaching is a totally different experience to one-on-one coaching. And that’s actually a really good thing because with group coaching you get the benefits of not just feedback on YOUR case, but also hearing the feedback we give other ladies in the program. Oftentimes ladies will tell us that they love hearing us coach other women because they learn things they wouldn’t otherwise have learned in one-on-one coaching.

But, it’s important to understand that The HBS isn’t “just” a group program. It’s a hybrid program. This means it’s a combination of both group coaching plus one-on-one private coaching - so it’s the best of both worlds! And remember, we practise root cause health care, which by very definition, is personalised.

What’s your refund policy?

Refund requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed.

Is The HBS program right for you?

The HBS is NOT for woman who:

✘ Is looking for a “quick fix” and assumes she can eradicate all her symptoms in a few weeks, (and if she doesn’t she gets resentful, angry, or disinterested).  

✘ Isn’t willing to prioritize and spend time focusing on what needs to be done in order to create healthy new habits and learn new ways of doing things that will aid on her healing journey. 

✘ Doesn’t want to spend much money on her healing and long-term health, and is looking to save and cut costs where she can. 

✘ Doesn’t want to take supplements or HRT, or learn why these are important for long-term health and disease prevention.

✘ Has an excuse for everything! 

✘ Is ONLY looking for supplement suggestions - a “magic pill” - and doesn’t want to implement the lifestyle or mindset aspects of healing. 

✘ Has a chronic disease like Lyme or cancer. 

The HBS IS for the woman who: 

Cares about her health on a deep level and is willing to put in the work and make an effort to change the way she’s living now and choose healthier habits to incorporate into her daily life forever more.  

Understands the importance of prioritizing health now for longevity but not just for herself; to also be the best partner and mother she can be, for her family. 

Cares about her family’s health because what she learns in The HBS has knock-on effects to all those around her.   

Has the right mindset to heal: isn’t a victim, doesn’t blame others, isn’t entitled, doesn’t expect to get results if she doesn’t show up. 

Is willing to put her oxygen mask on first knowing this is the only way she’ll be able to help others around her.  

Wants a life transformation that will have a ripple effect in every aspect of her life, for the rest of her life. 

Thoughts that may be holding you back from joining The HBS.

I don’t know if I can fit this program into my schedule. 

I get it - life is busy. It can be hard to find time to put yourself first. But - and this is said with love - is this busyness one of the reasons you’re here? Might this “busyness” have contributed to imbalanced hormones? I’m here to tell you: there is a better way and that you can make time for your health. One of the most important parts of our job is to help you see past the blind spots to realize there are other ways of doing things that better support your health and hormones, and it starts by making some shifts in your priorities. Don’t worry, Michelle and I will guide you, every step of the way. 

I think I need to work on myself more before joining The HBS. 

Here’s the thing: not only do you NOT need to do this but this way of thinking is holding you back. Consider how far you've come on your own to date. Would you be here if you already had all the answers? While your efforts are commendable, please know, it's okay to seek assistance from professionals when needed. You deserve the expertise and knowledge we offer in The HBS, which will save you from the frustration of trial and error and DIY approaches that don’t work.

Is this a good program for people who have never done any functional testing or research into hormones? 

The HBS is the PERFECT program for the “newbie” to functional health! You don’t have to know anything about the testing we run or have worked with other practitioners before. Or, perhaps you have tried working with multiple practitioners before and know a ton about functional health - either way, Michelle and I bring a new perspective to your case and over 20 years of combined experience. Whether you never knew there were such things as “comprehensive stool tests” or whether you’re on your 3rd stool test, we can help you. 

My doctor says there’s nothing wrong with me - that my blood work is “normal” and my symptoms are just a part of getting older though?  

If you have symptoms, yet your doctor is telling you that there’s nothing wrong with you, please know: you’re not crazy! There are various reasons why your doctor may not be able to help you or why they are telling you your blood work is “normal” when you feel like crap. Traditional lab ranges for blood work can be misleading as they’re based on averages from an unhealthy population - people who visit labs due to symptoms. As functional health practitioners, We follow the latest science and use optimal ranges and clinical experience from trusted functional medicine experts. 

My doctor says I can just get an IUD or take The Pill to regulate my hormones until I’m in menopause, so why do I need The HBS?

The Birth Control Pill or an IUD are not the answers to your symptoms. They are Band-Aid medications (they are NOT hormones) that do nothing to get to the root causes and in fact, can come with a multitude of side effects. When you get to the root causes you not only alleviate your symptoms NOW but you prevent nastier things from popping up later. It’s kinda like putting a bucket under a leaky sink but never fixing the real issue. Eventually, that bucket will overflow. That’s the problem with slapping on mediations like The Pill or IUDs. And our midlife is a vulnerable time. What we do in our late 30s and in your 40s sets up our health for our 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond. 

This is your fork in the road, and one decision could change everything

When you choose NOT to join us inside The Hormone Balance Solution the choice you’re making is to stay stuck. The choice you’re making is to stay in the place you’re currently in, spinning your wheels and throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.

You’re choosing to not get answers or take the opportunity to feel better. 

This is your fork in the road. This one moment can be when everything shifts for you for the better.You can join us in The HBS and have a life-changing experience or, you can choose to do nothing. 

One of my favourite quotes is "Leap and the net will appear."

If you dive in and commit to this, we WILL catch you. We will guide you, support you, cheer you on, and give you loving butt kicks - but you’ve got to dive in and make the decision that things will change for you starting today.