Your 7 step formula to hair growth in midlife and beyond
Learn the best natural, highly effective, and safe solutions for your hair loss so you can stop it, reverse it, and regrow healthy hair without turning to medications that can have side effects or giving up on socialising ever again.
Hair loss is not an inevitable part of ageing! Yes, even if hair loss runs in your family you are NOT destined to have sparse, thinning hair or embarrassing bald spots. You can regrow healthy hair but first you need to understand what’s causing your hair loss so you can choose the right strategies to stop and reverse it.
Hair loss is NOT an inevitable part of ageing.
Just because older women in your family have suffered from hair loss doesn’t mean this is your fate too.
Even if you have genetics that play into your hair loss there are strategies that work to regrow your hair.
There IS hope for Androgenic Alopecia/Female Pattern Baldness, Alopecia Areata and Telogen Effluvium.
And unfortunately, your doctor probably doesn’t know how to help you beyond offering medications. Whilst we touch on medications in the course and sometimes they are warranted, drugs like spironolactone can come with side effects. It’s disappointing that effective safe strategies are not in many doctor’s wheelhouses.
You don’t want to let it go too far. Whilst you can still regrow your hair, the sooner you start implementing hair loss solutions the better you’ll be able to stop and/or reverse it.
But where do you start?
There’s so much information out there it’s overwhelming!
Imagine a course that lays out everything you need to know in a 7-step-formula to help you figure out why you’re losing your hair and what you can do about it.
Inside Hair Loss Solutions Made Simple™️, you get access to my 7 step formula to help you regrow your hair and stop your hair loss.
You also get access to my quiz that will help you determine which type of hair loss you are suffering from so you can determine the best course of action for you.
Hair Loss Solutions Made Simple™️ is a 7 step system for women who are losing their hair and looking for answers so they can stop their hair loss and regrow their hair in order to feel confident and happy in their own skin once more.
What’s covered inside Hair Loss Solutions Made Simple™️?
Access to a hair loss quiz so you can quickly determine the exact reason why you’re losing your hair, which is the first step to resolving your hair loss and regrowing healthy, luscious locks.
Scarring and non-scarring hair loss; which ones are reversible? (Luckily, most!).
Topical and non-topical treatment options for the most common forms of hair loss including
Androgenic Alopecia/Female Pattern Baldness, Alopecia Areata and Telogen Effluvium.
At-home hair loss tests you can do to determine which stage of hair loss you’re currently in.
The best supplements for hair loss that actually work.
Blood work to consider getting done to give you valuable information about what’s contributing to your hair loss so you can solve it on a root cause level.
A content library filled with products that work for hair loss, downloads to help you uncover issues causing your hair loss, special course member discounts, and more.
Questions answered inside Hair Loss Solutions Made Simple™️:
Do topical treatments work? Which ones work best? Once you start them can you stop them?
What other treatment therapies are there for hair growth beyond topicals? Do things like red light therapy etc work?
What role do hormones play in hair loss, especially for women in perimenopause and menopause? (A lot!). What can be done about this?
What dietary and lifestyle factors contribute to hair loss and how can these be overcome?
So many women suffer from embarrassing hair loss, which is causing them to miss out on social engagements, making them feel insecure, and self conscious. I hate this for women and it doesn’t have to be this way! As we age we should be embracing this stage of life where we have so much wisdom to share with the world. Not hide away in shame.
There ARE answers!
There ARE solutions!
Everything you learn inside Hair Loss Solutions Made Simple™ is backed by science as well as my 10+ years of clinical experience helping thousands of women.
Unfortunately, allopathic medicine teaches doctors a “pill for your ill” approach to “health”. It’s not “healthcare” but “disease-care”. So when it comes to symptoms like hair loss, there’s not much they can do from a root-cause level to stop your hair loss and help you re-grown your hair. The only answer most doctors have is medication, which can come with side effects.
Oral anti-androgen medications that are often suggested can contribute to menstrual disturbances, weight gain, loss of libido, depression, breast tenderness, gastrointestinal upsets, postural hypotension, electrolyte disturbances, fatigue, urticaria, and haematological disturbances.
And at the end of the day, these medications overlook the CAUSE of your hair loss, which is rooted in things like diet, inflammation, stress, hormone imbalances, and nutrient deficiencies (all of which we go into in the course). Whilst working on these root cause factors is important, there are also treatment strategies (both topical and non-topical), supplements targeted for hair growth, and other therapies that can make a big difference to your hair loss.
Yes! These types of hair loss are reversible and we go into detail about them inside the course. There are answers for these forms of hair loss.
Not at all! Anyone can take Hair Loss Solutions Made Simple™.
Absolutely. You have full access to the course materials indefinitely. If updates are made to the course these will be available for a nominal fee to those who have purchased Hair Loss Solutions Made Simple™ in the past.
Whilst there is no support group attached to the course (in order to keep the cost low) you do have the option of adding on an HTMA package when you purchase the course, which will help you uncover which nutrient imbalances and deficiencies are playing into your hair loss (in my clinical opinion, doing an HTMA test is very important when it comes to hair loss).
No refunds will be offered once you purchase the course.
This course is approximately an hour in length.